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Generate a random float within the provided interval.


Name Description Default Required Supported DB types
column The name of the column to be affected Yes float4, float8
min The minimum threshold for the random value. The value range depends on the column type. Yes -
max The maximum threshold for the random value. The value range depends on the column type. Yes -
decimal The decimal of the random float value (number of digits after the decimal point) 4 No -
keep_null Indicates whether NULL values should be replaced with transformed values or not true No -
engine The engine used for generating the values [random, hash]. Use hash for deterministic generation random No -

Dynamic parameters

Parameter Supported types
min float4, float8
max float4, float8


The RandomFloat transformer generates a random float value within the provided interval, starting from min to max, with the option to specify the number of decimal digits by using the decimal parameter. The behaviour for NULL values can be configured using the keep_null parameter.

The engine parameter allows you to choose between random and hash engines for generating values. Read more about the engines in the Transformation engines section.

Example: Generate random price

In this example, the RandomFloat transformer generates random prices in the range from 0.1 to 7000 while maintaining a decimal of up to 2 digits.

RandomFloat transformer example
- schema: "sales"
  name: "salesorderdetail"
  columns_type_override:  # (1)
    "unitprice": "float8"
    - name: "RandomFloat"
        column: "unitprice"
        min: 0.1
        max: 7000
        decimal: 2
  1. The type overrides applied for example because the playground database does not contain any tables with float columns.

