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delete command

Delete dump from the storage with a specific ID

Supported flags
  greenmask delete [flags] [dumpId]

      --before-date string   delete dumps older than the specified date in RFC3339Nano format: 2021-01-01T00:00.0:00Z
      --dry-run              do not delete anything, just show what would be deleted
      --prune-failed         prune failed dumps
      --prune-unsafe         prune dumps with "unknown-or-failed" statuses. Works only with --prune-failed
      --retain-for string    retain dumps for the specified duration in format: 1w2d3h4m5s6ms7us8ns
      --retain-recent int    retain the most recent N completed dumps (default -1)
delete dump by id
greenmask --config config.yml delete 1723643249862
delete dumps older than the specified date
greenmask --config config.yml delete --before-date 2021-01-01T00:00.0:00Z --dry-run 
prune failed dumps
greenmask --config config.yml delete --prune-failed --dry-run 
prune dumps with 'unknown-or-failed' statuses
greenmask --config config.yml delete --prune-failed --prune-unsafe --dry-run
retain dumps for the specified duration
greenmask --config config.yml delete --retain-for 1w5d --dry-run
retain the most recent N completed dumps
greenmask --config config.yml delete --retain-recent 5 --dry-run