Greenmask 0.2.1¶
This release introduces two new features transformation conditions and transformation inheritance for primary and foreign keys. It also includes several bug fixes and improvements.
- Feat: Transformation conditions execute a defined transformation only if a specified condition is met. #133
- Feat: Transformation inheritance - transformation inheritance for partitioned tables and tables with foreign keys. Define once and apply to all.
- CI/CD: Add golangci-lint job to pull request check #223
- CI/CD: Deploy development version of the documentation (main branch) and divided jobs into separate blocks and made them reusable #212
- Fix: Fixed type in subset documentation #211
- Fix: Bump go and python dependencies #219
- Fix: Fatal validation error in playground #224
- Fix: Code refactoring and golangci-lint warns fixes #226
- Docs: Revised - added badges, updated the description, added getting started section, added greenmask design schema #216 #217 #218
- Docs: main page errors in docs #221
- Docs: Revised according to the latest changes #225
- Docs: moved documentation to, added feedback form and GA integration #220
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1¶
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or need assistance: