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The RandomUnixTimestamp transformer generates random Unix time values (timestamps) for specified database columns. It is particularly useful for populating columns with timestamp data, simulating time-related data, or anonymizing actual timestamps in a dataset.


Name Description Default Required Supported DB types
column The name of the column to be affected Yes int2, int4, int8
min The minimum threshold date for the random value in unix timestamp format (integer) with sec unit by default Yes -
max The maximum threshold date for the random value in unix timestamp format (integer) with sec unit by default Yes -
unit Generated unix timestamp value unit. Possible values [second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond] second Yes -
min_unit Min unix timestamp threshold date unit. Possible values [second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond] second Yes -
max_unit Min unix timestamp threshold date unit. Possible values [second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond] second Yes -
keep_null Indicates whether NULL values should be preserved false No -
truncate Truncate the date to the specified part (nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, month, year). The truncate operation is not applied by default. No -
engine The engine used for generating the values [random, hash]. Use hash for deterministic generation random No -


The RandomUnixTimestamp transformer generates random Unix timestamps within the provided interval, starting from min to max. The min and max parameters are expected to be in Unix timestamp format. The min_unit and max_unit parameters specify the unit of the Unix timestamp threshold date. The truncate parameter allows you to truncate the date to the specified part of the date. The keep_null parameter allows you to specify whether NULL values should be preserved or replaced with transformed values.

The engine parameter allows you to choose between random and hash engines for generating values. Read more about the engines in the Transformation engines section.

Example: Generate random Unix timestamps with dynamic parameters

In this example, the RandomUnixTimestamp transformer generates random Unix timestamps using dynamic parameters. The min parameter is set to the created_at column, which is converted to Unix seconds using the TimestampToUnixSec. The max parameter is set to a fixed value. The paid_at column is populated with random Unix timestamps in the range from created_at to 1715934239 (Unix timestamp for 2024-05-17 12:03:59). The unit parameter is set to millisecond because the paid_at column stores timestamps in milliseconds.

CREATE TABLE transactions
    id         SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    kind       VARCHAR(255),
    total      DECIMAL(10, 2),
    created_at TIMESTAMP,
    paid_at    BIGINT -- stores milliseconds since the epoch

-- Inserting data with milliseconds timestamp
INSERT INTO transactions (kind, total, created_at, paid_at)
VALUES ('Sale', 199.99, '2023-05-17 12:00:00', (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP '2023-05-17 12:05:00') * 1000)),
       ('Refund', 50.00, '2023-05-18 15:00:00', (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP '2023-05-18 15:10:00') * 1000)),
       ('Sale', 129.99, '2023-05-19 10:30:00', (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP '2023-05-19 10:35:00') * 1000));
RandomUnixTimestamp transformer example
- schema: "public"
  name: "transactions"
    - name: "RandomUnixTimestamp"
        column: "paid_at"
        max: 1715934239
        unit: "millisecond"
        min_unit: "second"
        max_unit: "second"
          column: "created_at"
          cast_to: "TimestampToUnixSec"



Example: Generate simple random Unix timestamps

In this example, the RandomUnixTimestamp transformer generates random Unix timestamps for the paid_at column in the range from 1615934239 (Unix timestamp for 2021-03-16 12:03:59) to 1715934239 (Unix timestamp for 2024-05-17 12:03:59). The unit parameter is set to millisecond because the paid_at column stores timestamps in milliseconds.

- schema: "public"
  name: "transactions"
    - name: "RandomUnixTimestamp"
        column: "paid_at"
        min: 1615934239
        max: 1715934239
        unit: "millisecond"

