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Greenmask available commands
greenmask \
--log-format=[json|text] \
--log-level=[debug|info|error] \
--config=config.yml \

You can use the following commands within Greenmask:

  • list-transformers — displays a list of available transformers along with their documentation
  • show-transformer — displays information about the specified transformer
  • validate - performs a validation procedure by testing config, comparing transformed data, identifying potential issues, and checking for schema changes.
  • dump — initiates the data dumping process
  • restore — restores data to the target database either by specifying a dumpId or using the latest available dump
  • list-dumps — lists all available dumps stored in the system
  • show-dump — provides metadata information about a particular dump, offering insights into its structure and attributes
  • delete — deletes a specific dump from the storage

For any of the commands mentioned above, you can include the following common flags:

  • --log-format — specifies the desired format for log output, which can be either json or text. This parameter is optional, with the default format set to text.
  • --log-level — sets the desired level for log output, which can be one of debug, info, or error. This parameter is optional, with the default log level being info.
  • --config — requires the specification of a configuration file in YAML format. This configuration file is mandatory for Greenmask to operate correctly.
  • --help — displays comprehensive help information for Greenmask, providing guidance on its usage and available commands.