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The RandomMac transformer is designed to populate specified database columns with random MAC addresses.


Name Description Default Required Supported DB types
column The name of the column to be affected Yes text, varchar, char, bpchar, citext, macaddr
keep_original_vendor Should the Individual/Group (I/G) and Universal/Local (U/L) bits be preserved from the original MAC address. false No -
cast_type Param which allow to set Individual/Group (I/G) bit in MAC Address. Allowed values [any, individual, group]. If this value is individual, the address is meant for a single device (unicast). If it is group, the address is for a group of devices, which can include multicast and broadcast addresses. any No
management_type Param which allow to set Universal/Local (U/L) bit in MAC Address. Allowed values [any, universal, local]. If this bit is universal, the address is universally administered (globally unique). If it is local, the address is locally administered (such as when set manually or programmatically on a network device). any No
engine The engine used for generating the values [random, hash]. Use hash for deterministic generation random No -


The RandomMac transformer generates a random MAC address and injects it into the specified database column. The transformer can be configured to preserve the Individual/Group (I/G) and Universal/Local (U/L) bits from the original MAC address. You can also keep the original vendor bits in the generated MAC address by setting the keep_original_vendor parameter to true.

The engine parameter allows you to choose between random and hash engines for generating values. Read more about the engines in the Transformation engines section.

Example: Generate a Random MAC Address

This example demonstrates how to configure the RandomMac transformer to inject a random MAC address into the mac_address column:

Create table mac_addresses and insert data
CREATE TABLE mac_addresses
    id          SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    device_name VARCHAR(50),
    mac_address MACADDR,
    description TEXT

INSERT INTO mac_addresses (device_name, mac_address, description)
VALUES ('Device A', '00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E', 'Description for Device A'),
       ('Device B', '01:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F', 'Description for Device B'),
       ('Device C', '02:3C:4D:5E:6F:70', 'Description for Device C'),
       ('Device D', '03:4D:5E:6F:70:71', 'Description for Device D'),
       ('Device E', '04:5E:6F:70:71:72', 'Description for Device E');
RandomPerson transformer example
- schema: public
  name: mac_addresses
    - name: "RandomMac"
        column: "mac_address"
        engine: "random"
        cast_type: "any"
        management_type: "any"

