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The RandomPhoneNumber transformer is developed to populate specified database columns with random phone numbers. This tool is essential for applications requiring the simulation of contact information, testing phone number validation systems, or anonymizing phone number data in datasets.


Name Description Default Required Supported DB types
column The name of the column to be affected Yes text, varchar, char, bpchar, citext
keep_null Indicates whether NULL values should be preserved false No -


The RandomPhoneNumber transformer utilizes algorithms capable of generating random phone numbers with various formats and injects them into the designated database column. This feature allows for the creation of diverse and realistic contact information in datasets for development, testing, or data anonymization purposes.

Example: Populate random phone numbers for the contact_information table

This example demonstrates configuring the RandomPhoneNumber transformer to populate the phone_number column in the contact_information table with random phone numbers. It is an effective method for simulating a variety of contact information entries.

RandomPhoneNumber transformer example
- schema: "public"
  name: "contact_information"
    - name: "RandomPhoneNumber"
        column: "phone_number"
        keep_null: false

In this configuration, the phone_number column will be updated with random phone numbers for each contact information entry, replacing any existing non-NULL values. If the keep_null parameter is set to true, existing NULL values in the column will be preserved, ensuring the integrity of records where phone number information is not applicable or provided.